Friday, October 8, 2010

So Furious!

Obama's back room politics strike again. Pandering to the big banks at the expense of the people.


The word is out that Pres. Obama’s pocket veto of the Digital Robo-Signing Act was actually a trick.  Sen. Harry Reid didn’t actually adjourn the U.S. Senate.  The Senate has been kept in session by a little understood ruse and the bill will become law tonight at midnight without the President’s signature.
The big banks will file suit after the election to have this bill declared to be law.
Article I, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution seems to support this view.
Some drunken bankers were already bragging about this an some major news outlets, including Fox News have reported on this.

The author goes on to say that the law will actually become valid 10 days after it was put to Obama's desk for a signature.

Basically what this Law says is that Banks are allowed to notarize a document not in the presence of the signer. Which is complete and UTTER CRAP.


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